SIC 1 – Site Incident Controller Introduction


To introduce expectations for the role of the Site Incident Controller (SIC).


1 days

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for anyone identified as responsible for the onsite emergency response at their site, as described in Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 (COMAH) and associated Guidance on COMAH (L111) and Emergency Planning for Major Accidents (HSG191).

Course content

- Emergency management principles

- Emergency management structure and process

- Roles and responsibilities of the SMC

- Command and control of tactical incident management teams

- Situational awareness and decision-making

- Liaison with the emergency services

- Stakeholder management and communications


This course sets expectations for this critical role. Suitable for site leadership of all hazardous industry sites, including CoMAH

Why work with us?

We believe compliance not only satisfies the regulator, but is also good for business risk management. In fact, if establishments are going to comply, they might as well ensure good practice at little or no extra cost. We believe in an evidence-based approach, using competencies extracted from The Regulations and Guidance. We believe in competence development, which involves experiential learning more than just transfer of information; and we believe in gaining assurance on competence through assessment under realistic conditions.


No accreditation is included for this awareness and introduction course.
Please enquire about available open courses. The course can also be conducted at your site, on dates to suit your schedule, for up to 8 attendees

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